APD - Andrews Police Department
APD stands for Andrews Police Department
Here you will find, what does APD stand for in Law under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Andrews Police Department? Andrews Police Department can be abbreviated as APD What does APD stand for? APD stands for Andrews Police Department. What does Andrews Police Department mean?Andrews Police Department is an expansion of APD
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Alternative definitions of APD
- Aldus Printer Description (Aldus PageMaker)
- Printer driver (Lotus 1-2-3)
- Auxiliary Personnel, Destroyer (fast transport)
- Action Potential Duration
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Avalanche Photo Diode
- Automated Peritoneal Dialysis
- Albuquerque Police Department
View 137 other definitions of APD on the main acronym page
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- APC Action Plastics Cc
- ASC Allen Street Consulting
- ALI Argos Labs Incorporated
- ALGL Accident Law Group LLC
- ASI Aqua Spas Inc
- ACC American College Connection
- ABPS AB Photo Studio
- AGD Avon Gentle Dentist
- ACSDD The Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorders Disciplines
- AEL Addax Exploration LLC
- AMS Aztec Marketing Solutions
- AWG Asana Wellness Group
- AAAS Alfa Audio A/S
- AWM Altus Wealth Management